British Motorcycle Riders Club – Data Protection Policy

The club policy regarding the protection of member’s data is as follows:

What personal data does the club hold?

The club holds member’s names, telephone number(s) and their Email address, whether they own a British bike and confirmation that the member has agreed to receive electronic communication from the club officers.

Where is it held?

Information from the paper membership application forms is recorded and an electronic summary is held by the Membership Secretary. Electronic copies containing basic data are held by the Club secretary, the Communications officer, the Chairman and the Clothing/Regalia Officer.

What do we hold it for?

The committee believes that the data held is necessary for the efficient running and
administration of the club allowing the club officers to communicate with the members concerning club events and general business.

Who can see the Policy?

Anyone can see the policy.

Further Information

Any member can change their mind regarding what information is held by the club at any time. This must be communicated directly to the Membership Secretary who will act accordingly.
Club officers will not pass on any member details without permission from the member.
Club officers will hold the data in a secure method with electronic data secured on a
password protected computer with adequate and up to date anti-virus software.
Personal data will be held in a secure location to minimise the the chance of of unauthorised access.
If any member does not renew their membership by the deadline for renewal (end
September) then their data will be deleted from the club records.
If a club officer resigns from his/her post then he/she promises to delete any electronic data and destroy any data on paper that was supplied to him/her.

Graham Lay (Club Secretary)
